On a rating of one to ten, I would give the movie Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift a big 10. Now that’s my opinion by the way, that I don’t know about you guys but the reason that I would rate this movie with a big ten is the way that the movie was made and how they implemented the car racing of Tokyo is out of this world. The many reasons is because of the music that was put in the movie was amazing when you hear the sound it’s like you want to stand up and go to a club to have a long and good time. The most interesting thing about the movie is that the way they race, and how they build and fix a car from scratch is interesting. There is a race to get respect and free the girl that the main actor (Lucas Black) portraying Sean Boswell racing to not just be the good race car driver he is but to be the best car driver he will be in a different country in “Tokyo, Japan”. So I recommend this movie if you are ever bored or if you want to watch something to relax yourself.
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